Community Events

September, 2017
The Jackson, MS office of Holladay Properties partnered with Merit Health Central and UMCOR of the United Methodist Church to prepare cleaning buckets for areas affected by Hurricane Harvey and Irma in Texas, Louisiana, and Florida.

August 24, 2017
Four players from Holladay Properties (Jeff Ottman, EVP‐Operations; Ewing Smith, Director of Property Management‐TN; Fred Scott, Director of Engineering; and Kelly Manion, SVP Property Management) attended HCP, Inc.'s 5th Annual Putt Putt Tournament to benefit Alzheimer’s.

August 4, 2017
On Friday, August 4 the Portage Office participated in this year's United Way of Porter County Day of Caring.

July 29, 2017
A team of 14 Holladay employees, and two of their family members, joined Hands on Nashville (“HON”) on July 29 in their effort to supply 300 kids in need with refurbished bikes that were donated by generous members of the community, aptly name ReCYCLE.

July 28, 2017
On July 28, team members participated in a bracket-style corn hole tournament (aka bean bag toss).

July 26, 2017
For the 5th year in a row, Holladay Properties' South Bend team has won the United Way of St. Joseph County's coveted Swing for Charity Spirit Award.

July, 2017
During the month of July, team members of the Nashville area offices cleaned out their closets, drawers, and under the bed and brought their clothing items to Holladay.
July 2017
Congratulations to Preston Chaney, Jr., a staff member at the Inn at Saint Mary's in South Bend. Mr. Chaney recently received a Distinguished Service Award in Education from the South Bend Human Rights Commission for his commitment to providing local youths with education to set them up for a successful future.