South Bend office celebrates National Root Beer Float Day
Written by Maureen Johnson, HR Director (South Bend, IN)
On a beautiful sunny afternoon in South Bend, IN, Paul Phair, VP-Development & South Bend Office and I served up a tasty treat for our associates, honoring National Root Beer Float Day on Thursday, August 6, 2020. Celebrating this national day has been a tradition in this office for the past four years and we were determined to make sure, even in the midst of a pandemic, the tradition continued.
So, Paul and I made the announcement a week in advance that we were going to make floats and make sure it was carried out COVID friendly. Instead of curbside service, we did desk side service and wore masks and gloves to prepare and deliver these wonderful summer concoctions!
The celebration was successful as over 15 associates were able to enjoy their floats. Extra was bought in case some wanted seconds, and some did. We think John Phair snuck in an extra one, too, but who can blame him, they were wonderful and made with extra care!

See, even in the midst of a pandemic, some great things never change, like celebrating tasty treats. Paul and I plan on continuing this tradition next year and the year after that and so on and so on! We can’t wait!