We at Holladay would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! In honor of the holiday, we have decided to continue our “Thankful for..” series that was begun last year. Here is a collection of thoughts from employees from all over Holladay about what we are thankful for this year. Enjoy!
Chris Wilkes, Partner & SVP-Development (Indianapolis, IN)

“Thankful to be celebrating my son’s 13th birthday, along with looking forward to spending time with family and friends this holiday weekend. With the question in my mind: ‘where did those 13 years go”¦..?’ — wishing all a great holiday season, and urging all to take a moment to pause and treasure your family, friends, and colleagues this holiday season!”
Allen Arender, Partner & VP-Development (Nashville, TN)

“I am grateful for many things and am thankful that I have been given so many opportunities for a wonderful life. Here is my quick list and why:
- My children — for helping me keep perspective
- My wife — for being my best friend and entertaining me
- Our parents — for insuring we did our homework and encouraging us
- The Mayflower — for paving the way to create a holiday to remind us to be thankful
- Computers — because my handwriting is terrible
- Comfortable furniture — watching football games is more fun because of it
- The Saints (not the NFL team) — demonstrating how our mistakes and struggles will be OK in the END
- Good Friends — making life experience even more fun
- Grapes in good climates — providing great wine
- Our dog, Lucy — being there to greet us with delight
- Coffee makers — providing the nourishment that wakes me up every day
- Steel and Concrete — fueling the work that we do
- Maple Syrup — making most anything taste good
- Steroids — for stopping my very uncomfortable hives from a recent shrimp allergic reaction
- Chicago Cubs — being a model for persistence”¦
Happy Thanksgiving!”
Jackie Green, Director of Property Management (South Bend, IN)

“I am thankful to be American and live in the greatest nation in the world.”
Gary Stump, Property Manager – Maple Lane Apartments (Elkhart, IN)

“I’m thankful for our family tradition of working at the local homeless shelter or Salvation Army meal on Thanksgiving. Not only are we able to serve others but we are reminded of how blessed we are to have good jobs, homes and knowing that we will have plenty to eat. For many of the people we serve, this will be the only meal they will have for the day. Please remember the poor this year.”
Michael C. O’Connor, VP-Leasing & Development (Portage, IN)

“I’m thankful to be spending the holiday with my daughter and family in Saskatchewan. I’ll be especially thankful if we avoid the major snow storms and we have safe travels for our trip.”