On behalf of everyone at Holladay Properties and all of our affiliates, we would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! In the spirit of the holiday, we are offering our third installment of our “Thankful for…” series that started in 2014. Continue reading to be delighted by this year’s reflections of employees from all over our company about what they are thankful for this year. Enjoy!
Manette Tepe, Partner & SVP-Development (South Bend, IN)

“I am thankful to have such an amazing sister. We recently celebrated her 50th birthday in Indianapolis with two life-long friends. The stories and highlights of the evening will be laughed at for years to come. She’s been an amazing mentor and friend my whole life. I’ve always looked up to her and appreciate the sisterly advice. My favorite is ‘Accessories are the key to a finished look’. She makes me whole and I can’t imagine life without her. I’m very fortunate to have a sister like her.”
Kelly Manion, SVP-Property Management (Nashville, TN)

“I am thankful for many life blessings but, several elevate to the top of my list. First and foremost I am thankful for my wife Lyn. 2016 marked her fifth year in remission of breast cancer and our 25th wedding anniversary. She was diagnosed in August 2011 and required too-many-to-wish-upon-anyone infusion treatments, and multiple invasive surgeries to champion the cancer. My life is now measured in the daily blessings of having her at my side, and it will never be taken for granted. The next top of the list is, of course, my three children: 23, 20, and 19 years of age; two older sons and the youngest our only daughter. Since each was born, Lyn and I have been blessed by so many great memories of their growing up that they can only be numbered by stars in the sky. Next is God and Country. With the election finally behind us, I look forward to seeing the fruits of this great nation again being ripened by God’s touch and the day that all AMERICANS can again stand up and be tall as one country and restore the ability for all Americans to dream the unimaginable. Lastly, I am thankful to the entire Holladay Team for the enriching work life and the sense of being that each of you brings to my life.
May each and every one of you and your families find the blessings of giving this holiday season and know that we live in the greatest country on earth.”
Jessica Vargas, Project Architect (Portage, IN)

“I am thankful for the love and support of my family and good friends. I am thankful I have a job that is enjoyable, challenging, and ever changing. I am thankful for great co-workers and wonderful clients I get to interact with daily.”
Melanie Stone, Assistant Project Manager (Richmond, VA)

“I’m thankful for my health and the continued good health of my family and friends. I am thankful that I have raised two grown children that are independent and who have set out to make their marks on this world. I am thankful that God chose to bless me with twins at the ripe old age of 40, for they are my energy when I have none, they are my eyes and ears for the beauty and excitement that surrounds us daily, they keep me excited and motivated for every day with them. I am thankful for my husband, who loves me unconditionally when I am not always loveable. I am thankful for a fantastic boss and an employer that allows me continued opportunities to grow in my knowledge and experience within the company. I am thankful to God and all the blessings he bestows upon me and my family. For 18 years, I grew up in 3rd world countries where extreme poverty, sickness, terrorism, and natural disasters were part of my life. So, I am TRULY thankful to live in the USA, and for all the men and women who choose to serve and sacrifice for our great Nation, protecting our freedoms, one Nation under God. I am thankful for my parents and their service to our country, for they allowed my eyes to be opened to other countries, their people, their beauty, their struggles, their happiness, and it has given me greater knowledge than any book or the media could ever provide. I am thankful for the ability to Love, for in a world full of hate, I still choose Love.”
Tim Healy, Partner & SVP-Development (Portage, IN)

“I am thankful for hugs and kisses and time with my five children and wonderful wife. I am thankful for the team of individuals I work with every day and who make my job easier because of their strong sense of focus, commitment and optimism. I am thankful that I have been a part of the growth and success of my community and my company. I am grateful to the challenges that present themselves in my personal and professional life everyday that have allowed me to grow and mature as an individual. I am thankful that every day I can make an impact in someone’s life. We should all do our best to ensure that the effects we have are positive and long-lasting. Happy Thanksgiving!”
Sue Frizzel, Director of Property Management – Arizona (Tucson, AZ)

“I’m ‘Thankful For…’ the many blessing I’ve received during this wonderful journey we refer to as life. I’m fortunate to have great health and a wonderful family, my husband ‘Dan’ now in our 33rd year of marriage and 2 wonderful sons, Drew and Clay, who I adore (would you expect any other comment from a mom). I’m thankful to live in the United States and even more fortunate to reside in Tucson where we are able to enjoy the surrounding mountain views with an abundance of sunshine every day. I’m thankful to work for a great company and especially for my co-workers in Tucson, who are respectful and considerate of each other and the ‘Best’ I’ve worked with.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving and Holiday Season!”